
194100, St. Petersburg, 3/1 Kantemirovskaya street

Events / 23.12.2022

New Expo at Laboratory Dome. Opening ceremony

To the accompaniment of a Japanese shakuhachi flute, we presented a new interior of Laboratory Dome space on December 16, 2022. You can find a download link for all the photos of the event at the end of the article.


Together with our closest friends we started a new chapter of our showroom. It was our first experience of such a major renovation, and we are glad that the result has aroused your interest.

The party was in total black style. We paid attention to the presentation and the lighting to create a festive mood.

At the same time there was a place for auteur’s vision: a glass wardrobe by Glas Italia was decorated with a genuine traditional kimono and live butterflies, and classic black and white Alfred Hitchcock’s films were played through a projector.


We would like to thank Maria Panchenko and Yunona Nezvankina for two new areas.

The interior designers mixed styles of objects from all over the world: The Emirates, Japan, the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Italy and Turkey. Maria and Yunona created an absolutely unique space that expresses boldness, timeless style and the spirit of experimentation which we especially appreciate in design.

The keynote of the new areas is glass, more precisely, a completely new take on it. All glass chairs, massive wardrobe systems, and a coffee table made of limestone and glass were integrated into the showroom. They had been created by masters of Glas Italia who specialize on furniture made of this fragile but spectacular material.

The showroom was replenished with objects from factories that were not previously presented in Laboratory Dome:  Hem (Sweden), Atelier Areti (the UK), Irthi (the Emirates), Lagu (Turkey).

Since we want to always stay up to date and be your guide in the world of modern interior design, we renovate our exposition every year. In 2023 get ready to meet a new look of Laboratory Dome created by an architectural bureau Homorystudio — not only our business partners but our good friends.

We would like to thank everyone who found time to share such an exciting and crucial moment with us. We are glad to have an opportunity to grow and become better together with you!
Хотим сказать большое спасибо тем, кто нашёл время разделить столь волнующий и ответственный момент. Мы рады возможности расти и становиться лучше вместе с вами!

Check out the link to see the full report.

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Events / 04.04.2024
Официальное открытие шоурума в Новой Голландии
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Design Articles / 03.07.2023
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