
194100, St. Petersburg, 3/1 Kantemirovskaya street

Implemented projects / 20.01.2023

MyDecor's (Elle Decoration) publication on Laboratory Dome’s new exposition

We shared with the magazine a story on how a renewed exhibition was created: we narrated about new zones, designers who worked on them, and about a general idea of our interior space.


New exposition at Laboratory Dome interior space in Saint Petersburg. A designer Maria Panchenko is responsible for the new look of the first zone, and the design of the second zone is made by Yunona Nezvankina. The concept space was opened a year ago. It is located in a former Nikolskiy weaving manufacture building founded in the 1890s, and takes up 255 square meters. It consists of a back-office and several expo areas which were completely renovated this year.

Стеклянные витрины Prism, Glas Italia, торшер Elle, Lumina, табуреты из металла Elite To Be, сеталлический стеллаж Frama, радиатор отопления Antrax

Regular exposure change is the idea that we kept in mind even before the opening. Renovations introduce design enthusiasts with furniture, lighting and decoration novelties which were collected all over the world and combined together.
Регулярные смены экспозиций — это идея, которую мы держали в голове ещё до открытия шоурума. Обновления знакомят энтузиастов дизайна с новинками мебели, света и декора, которые мы собирали по всему миру и тщательно комбинировали между собой.

With the magazine we talked about two zones created by guest designers Maria Panchenko and Yunona Nezvankina.

The first zone is a living room with a “glistening” sofa by Italian factory Living Divani. The next thing that catches your eye is a completely transparent Glas Italia glass display cabinet.

Glass and mirror surfaces became a concept of both zones since in the second area, a dining room, editors of myDecor could notice armchairs made entirely of transparent glass.


Nearby there is a coffee table in which stained glass was combined with the natural texture of limestone.

In the myDecor article it is specially noted how delicately european spirit is diluted with oriental notes. For this exposition update we brought exclusive armchairs from the Arab Emirates.

They were handmade in an ancient weaving technique which is passed down from generation to generation. By the way, you can read more about the armchairs in a separate article.

At the end of the article, myDecor summarizes: the main idea of Laboratory Dome is that the combination of interior design pieces of different styles collected from all over the world creates a unique look of the space.
В конце статьи автор myDecor резюмировал: главной идеей Laboratory Dome является то, что комбинирование предметов интерьера разных стилей, собранных со всех уголков света, создаёт уникальный облик пространства.

Indeed, by combining furniture and lighting from European (Italy, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden) and eastern (Japan, the Emirates, Turkey) factories, we created exposition areas that look natural both on their own and in synergy. This is the approach we aim to promote to our guests who want to touch the aesthetics of Laboratory Dome.


The full version of the myDecor article is available here. We wrote about a Laboratory Dome renewal party previously. You can find atmospheric photos from this event on our website.

Please see the original article below
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